8 min read
Magnesium is an important mineral that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body. Its many functions include helping muscles and nerves work, regulating blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.
The body of an adult contains about 25 grams (g) of magnesium, 50-60% of which is stored in the skeletal system. The rest is present in muscles, soft tissues, and body fluids. Many people in the United States, for example, do not get enough magnesium through their diet, even though deficiency symptoms are rare in otherwise healthy people.
Doctors have linked magnesium deficiency to several health complications, so people should aim to meet their recommended daily levels of magnesium. Almonds, spinach, and cashews are some of the foods highest in magnesium. If a person cannot get enough magnesium through their diet, their doctor may recommend taking supplements. In this article, we look at the function and benefits of magnesium, what it does in the body, dietary sources, and possible health risks that doctors associate too much with.
Magnesium is one of the seven essential macrominerals. These macrominerals are minerals that people should consume in relatively large amounts—at least 100 milligrams (mg) per day. Trace minerals, such as iron and zinc, are just as important, although people need them in smaller amounts.
Magnesium is vital for many bodily functions. Getting enough of this mineral can help prevent or treat chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and migraines.

While most research has focused on the role of calcium in bone health, magnesium is also essential for the formation of healthy bones. Research from 2013 linked adequate magnesium intake to higher bone density, improved bone crystal formation, and lower risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Magnesium can improve bone health both directly and indirectly by helping to regulate calcium and vitamin D levels, two other nutrients vital to bone health.
Research has linked diets high in magnesium to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This may be because magnesium plays an important role in glucose control and insulin metabolism. A 2015 review in the World Journal of Diabetes reported that most, but not all, people with diabetes are low in magnesium and that magnesium may play a role in diabetes management.
Magnesium deficiency can worsen insulin resistance, which is a condition that often develops before type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, insulin resistance can cause low magnesium levels. In many studies, researchers have linked high-magnesium diets to diabetes.
In 2017 systematic review suggests that taking magnesium supplements may also improve insulin sensitivity in people with low magnesium levels. However, researchers need to gather more evidence before doctors can routinely use magnesium to control blood sugar in people with diabetes.
The body needs magnesium to maintain healthy muscles, including the heart. Research has found that magnesium plays an important role in heart health. A 2018 review reported that magnesium deficiency may increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular problems. In part, this is due to its role at the cellular level.
The authors observed that magnesium deficiency is common in people with congestive heart failure and may worsen their clinical outcomes. People who receive magnesium soon after a heart attack have a lower risk of death. Doctors sometimes use magnesium during treatment for congestive heart failure (CHF) to reduce the risk of arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythm. According to a 2019 meta-analysis, increasing magnesium intake may reduce a person’s risk of stroke. They reported that for every 100 mg per day increase in magnesium, the risk of stroke decreased by 2%.
Some research also suggests that magnesium plays a role in hypertension. However, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), based on current research, taking magnesium supplements lowers blood pressure “only to a scalls extent.” The ODS call for “large, well-designed” research to understand the role of magnesium in heart health and cardiovascular disease prevention.
Magnesium therapy can help prevent or relieve headaches. That’s because magnesium deficiency can affect neurotransmitters and limit the constriction of blood vessels, which are factors doctors associate with migraines. People who have migraines may have lower levels of magnesium in their blood and body tissues than others. Magnesium levels in a person’s brain may be low during a migraine. A 2017 systematic review indicated that help prevent helpful in preventing migraines.
The authors suggest that taking 600 mg of magnesium citrate appears to be a safe and effective prevention strategy. The American Migration Foundation reports that people often use doses of 400–500 mg per day for migraine prevention. The amounts that can have an effect are likely to be high and people should use this therapy only under the guidance of their doctor.
Magnesium may also play a role in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Small studies, including a 2012 paper, suggest that taking magnesium supplements along with vitamin B-6 may improve PMS symptoms. However, a more recent review from 2019 reported that the research is mixed and more studies are needed. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests that taking magnesium supplements may help reduce bloating, mood symptoms, and breast tenderness in PMS.
Magnesium levels may play a role in mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. According to a 2017 systematic review, low levels of magnesium may have links to higher levels of anxiety. In part, this is due to activity along the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is a set of three glands that control a person’s response to stress. However, the review states that the quality of the evidence is poor and that researchers need to do high-quality studies to determine how well magnesium supplements can work to reduce anxiety.
When considering the issue of establishing and maintaining electrolyte balance, the need to maintain optimal magnesium levels is often underestimated. Magnesium can positively influence performance training and stimulate several anti-catabolic functions.
Magnesium has an anabolic effect and plays an essential role in the production of adenosineTote (ATP). In order to induce optimal anabolic responses in the muscle it is important to maintain high levels of ATP. It has also been shown to be necessary for protein synthesis, as it plays an important role in the reproduction of DNA and RNA. Additionally, a number of its anti-catabolic characteristics are associated with its anabolic profile. These include preventing cramps, reducing blood pressure, and thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
We must also note that the absence of adequate levels of magnesium would lead to a serious disturbance of the particularly important balance of potassium and sodium. The potassium/sodium balance equation is usually applied, but we must emphasize that magnesium must also be included in this equation because if this vital electrolyte is missing in the exact amount, the organism will be subjected to serious stress conditions and dangers. These include dizziness, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and muscle cramps (severe cramps can lead to a heart attack). Magnesium deficiency can also cause symptoms including increased blood pressure and palpitations!
Magnesium (when optimal levels are lacking) can also cause other symptoms such as fatigue and acid-base problems. Chronic magnesium deficiency can cause migraines, and asthma and potentially lead to osteoporosis! Often, the usual diet contains far less than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of magnesium for the day. Since so many health thinkrts are of the opinion that RDA values are outdated and in need of updating (quantitatively), it is time to further investigate the physiological role of this much-needed mineral.
In juxtaposing mine with the above statement, it is interesting to note that magnesium also plays an essential role in glucose metabolism by aiding in the formation of muscle and liver glycogen from blood-borne glucose. It also participates in the breakdown of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids during energy metabolism, activating its important role in the synthesis of s and proteins and in the stabilization of the neuromuscular system during the transmission of nerve impulses and subsequent muscle contraction (muscle contraction)! (McArdle, WD et al: Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance: Lea&Febiger; Philadelphia, PA 1986 p. 43).

A study of magnesium consumption found that a large portion of the population consumed far less than the RDA. The same study found that 83% of diabetics surveyed were consuming insufficient amounts of magnesium, and 68% of men and 56% of women reported consuming only two-thirds of the RDA. This fact is puzzling because magnesium plays a vital role in the utilization of insulin. Insulin levels in patients suffering from diabetes are much lower and, very importantly, the body does not have ready insulin levels, unlike people who do not suffer from this disease. (“Vitamin Comer” Muscle/Fitness, April 1996, p. 62.).
Among the rest of the population, there seems to be a certain indifference, most likely due to ignorance of the enormous importance of magnesium in the absorption other minerals and in the functioning of the heart and other muscles. It is especially important for athletes training with weights, as it provides the necessary functional capacity of the heart /heart rate, and blood pressure/. Conversely, insufficient magnesium levels can cause muscle fatigue, cramps, and tremors, and can trigger migraines, asthma, and eating disorders.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays many important roles in the human body. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions, including energy production, muscle contraction, and nerve function. Magnesium is also involved in bone and tooth formation, and blood sugar control.
Magnesium is an important mineral for runners because it is involved in energy production and muscle contraction. It is also important for bone and tooth formation, and blood sugar control.